The kids loved our yard decorations. We would play outside every evening.

This is Emily with her snowman--she knew without being told which one was supposed to be her.

We thought we did a great job on our decorations.

Unfortunately, the judges for our HOA only thought we did the 3rd best. We're slightly bitter that a house with icicle lights, blow-ups and net lights got 1st place. Nothing against icicle lights, but they require less effort.

Our tree--since I have this open area between the living room and dining room, we put our tree here, and it looked great, but we couldn't hide any of it because it could be seen from all sides.

This is our real tree, and I used it to display the decorations that Emily made at school.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

My Christmas village which Emily loved playing with.

I decked my kitchen out with snowmen.

When Ty and I had to stay home because he was sick, we played photographer!

I was beginning to wonder if he would ever be interested in crawling. Enter Christmas train--he became mobile a few hours after setting it up!

The girls!

Ty's first visit with Santa went much better than Emily's first!

Emily asked Santa for a baby and a stroller and a pink care bear.

My 2 cuties!
If you lasted through all of these, I hope you enjoyed. Now I will start uploading group 2!
So glad you FINALLY posted an update!! Love the pictures!
Okay, first of all I love the yard...too cute. Can't believe ya'll made those, right? And the tree with the holly berries - very pretty; wouldn't have thought of that. What else? Oh, I love zebra skirts - I would have bought those - gymboree? I saw some leapard cardigans at gymboree online clearance for $12.99/mommy & daughter I'm thinking of getting. And the pictures of Ty with the lights are so cute. I've seen some cute ones before done with the gigantic colored lights.
Miss ya - and give me a call when you have time. MUAH!!
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