I don't want my blog to become political, but I do have a funny story about politics. I hope you will find it humorous even if you disagree with my opinion on a certain candidate. Okay, that was the disclaimer. Now here's the story. This happened a few weeks ago, and I've been meaning to write it down.
We were eating lunch, and Dee was watching Fox News. Obama was giving a speech, and the newscasters were discussing it. Emily started repeating what she was hearing on the news, so she was saying "Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama" over and over again.
I decided to start teaching her about our political beliefs at a young age, so I said, "Emily, we don't like Obama."
She said, "Why don't we like him?"
I said, "He wants to take away all of our money. He wants to give our money to other people."
She said, "Oh, okay......like Zacchaeus."
I said, "Yes, Emily, like Zacchaeus. Very good." I was super-proud of her for making that connection, and Kudos to her Bible class teachers.
She said, "Mommy, Zacchaeus was nice after he saw Jesus, and he gave the money back."
I said, "If Mr. Obama takes all of our money away, I hope he will do the same thing."
She said, "Me, too."
Now every time he is on TV, she said "We don't like Obama--he wants to take all of our money."
The funny thing is that I remember my mom and dad telling me the same thing about Walter Mondale when he ran against Reagan. Only I didn't make the Bible story connection, and I was in grade school.
So what about Mr. Ty?
He can now say baseball (bee-ba), football (fu-ba), Handy Manny (Ha-Ma), Shoes (soos) along with the sign, Bible (ba-ba), and Cheese.